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As of February 06, 2025, CEDEG has 41 members:

Brandteichstraße 20, 17489 Greifswald

Cluster BalticNet – PlasmaTec is an international cluster organization based in Germany.

Zona Industrial de Castelo Branco, Rua A, 6000-459 Castelo Branco

Inovcluster is another cluster partner organization based in central Portugal actuating in the agro industrial sector.

Voctářová 2500/20a, 180 00 Praha

Aricoma Aricoma Enterprise Cybersecurity has been a leading provider of cybersecurity services since its establishment in 1991. 

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 774, 08013 Barcelona

At Solartys, Solar Energy Cluster, we have been working since 2009 with the conviction that a more sustainable future is possible, fighting for the new generations so they can find a better world than the one we have now. We are convinced that technology and sustainability have to go hand to hand. The time to act is now.

Via P. Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna

The Energy and Sustainable development Clust-ER GREENTECH is an association of public and private bodies: companies, research centres and training institutions that share skills, ideas and resources to support the competitiveness of the sector.

Wiesenthalova 1036/10, 155 00 Praha 5 – Řeporyje

The company operates in the field of strategic and analytical consulting, networking, digitalization and cybersecurity.

Drahobejlova 1452/54, 190 00 Praha 9

Provider of industrial technologies based on in-house research.

Nová 306, 530 09 Pardubice

Nanoprogress is a leading Nanotechnology cluster organisation with key players from the industry. 

Lounská 498/7, 460 07 Liberec

Tailor-made technological solutions for nanofiber structures.

Business centrum VSB-TUO Studentska 6202/17, 708 00 Ostrava - Poruba

National Cluster Association unites the most progressive national cluster organisations and technology platforms.

Centre d’empreses Industrials Can Roqueta, Av. Can Bordoll 119, Local 3, 08202 Sabadell

Packaging cluster is a Spanish cluster organization whose mission is mostly to create new and sustainable business opportunities. 

Quartier Polytech 2 Rue des Pôles 1 / B 56, B-4000 LIEGE

Plastic Process Equipment - services.

Place Paul Borde, 13790 Rousset

Cluster dedicated to digital technologies.

Jilemnickeho 532, 911 01 Trenčín

Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Žižkova 562, 51101 Turnov

Solar Monitor Ltd. specializes in developing hardware and software for embedded systems. Our staff have been dealing with the systems since 1996.

Třebohostická 987/5, 100 00 Praha 10

TTC is a Czech investment group which primarily operates in modern technologies and real estate.

Piękna 31/37, 00-677 Warsaw

Mazovia Cluster ICT was established on the initiative of the Institute for Market, Consumption and Business Research on November 27, 2007. The Coordinator of the Cluster’s activities was Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju Społeczno-Gospodarczego “Wiedza”. Mazovia Cluster ICT is an accelerator of innovative projects and a connector between science, industry, administration, and society.

C/ Emili Grahit 101 Parc científic i tecnològic UdG, 17003 Girona

The CATALAN WATER PARTNERSHIP (CWP) is the Catalan Cluster of the sustainable use of water, located in the North East of Spain.

672, rue du Mas de Verchant, 34000 Montpellier

Founded according to a federal model, the France Water Team association is administered and led by members of the three founding clusters, distributed fairly and according to their specialty.

Kodaňská 1441/46 , 101 00 Prague

TeskaLabs is an award-winning product company committing to creating advanced software technologies such as SIEM, Logmanagement and PKI cyber security solutions. We are a strategic partner of O2 Czech Republic, and a Cisco Solution Partner. TeskaLabs operates from the headquarters in London, United Kingdom and an additional office in Prague, Czech Republic.

María de Luna 11, nave 6 , 50018 Zaragoza

ZINNAE is a cluster organization based in Spain. The cluster creates favorable conditions for cooperation between the private and public sectors, technology centers and community organizations to create knowledge and support innovation in the fields of water management and water energy (e.g. in industry and agriculture). 

Rokitanského 62, 500 03 Hradec Králové

The University of Hradec Králové is a public university in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, founded on 21 June 2000. It traces its roots back to 1959. The university has about 6,500 students, and the current rector is Kamil Kuča.

Řípská 1321/11c, Slatina, 627 00 Brno

TIS partners is a sales representative for Heimdal Security A/S and CSIS Security Group A/S for the Czech market. It offers online protection against advanced threats and Threat Intelligence services.

Studentská 95, 53210 Pardubice

University of Pardubice is a university in Pardubice, the Czech Republic. In 2021 it had nearly 8,000 students. It is the only university in Pardubice Region.

Vyskočilova 1561/4a, 140 00 Praha 4

Trend Micro Inc. is an American-Japanese multinational cyber security software company with global headquarters in Tokyo, Japan and Irving, Texas, United State.Other regional headquarters and R&D centers are located around East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and North America.

Svárovská 619, 460 01 Liberec XI-Růžodol I

VÚTS was founded in 1951 under the name RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF TEXTILE MACHINERY, however, our activities for more than 25 years go beyond the area of ​​research and development of textile machines.

Vazovova 5, 81243 Bratislava

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava is the biggest and oldest university of technology in Slovakia. In the 2012 Academic Ranking of World Universities it was ranked in the first 150 in Computer Science, the only university in central Europe in the first 200.

Vídeňská 121, 619 00 Brno

Icontio, an inovative Czech company founded in 2006, develops mobile and web applications for greater productivity, security, digitalization, IoT, telemedicine and continuous improvement. Since 2023 we are known as the new brand

7.května 1168/70, 149 00 Praha

We are a Czech company based in the heart of Europe - Prague. We help companies to improve Identity and Access Management. Our aim is to make companies safer and more efficient by simplifying user management across systems. We are developing our unique platform for that.

Ke Světici 1822, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem
Zvonařka 408/16 , 617 00 Brno

Service & Support spol. s r.o. was founded in 2003 with the aim of providing services and support in the management and development of corporate ICT infrastructures of its customers. In those years, many customers were still primarily focused on the technological aspect of their ICT projects.

Krocínova 1 , 110 00 Praha
Kamenická 471, 463 12 Liberec

Our company has many years of experience in industrial automation and software-intensive applications.

We operate mainly in the automotive, food and plastics industries. Here we perform assembly, welding, quality control (end-of-line testers), handling, material transport and other related activities.


Bottova 2A, Bratislava

We are preparing a platform that will provide crowdfunding services for clusters, their members and everyone who needs funding support for innovation. We start soon.

Jana Babáka 2733/11, Královo Pole, 612 00 Brno

With over 50 projects in 12 industries on 3 continents, we have refined our approach to deliver the best AI & Data Management services

Palackého třída 879/84 , 612 00 Brno

REDAMP SECURITY is a private company based in the heart of Europe. We have been active in IT for more than 10 years, during which we have gathered experience that we apply in both customer and our own projects in cybersecurity. We are a team of IT professionals with experience in addressing cybersecurity challenges for global brands. Our software solutions help protect customers around the world. Even though we are not directly visible, we protect you every day.

Jána Bottu 2781/25, 917 01 Trnava

DAITABLE is an innovative company focusing on energy efficiency in manufacturing plants and commercial buildings. 

Grafická 3365/1, 150 00 Praha

We measure the sustainability of companies in digital tools.

We develop innovative digital tools that enable companies to measure their carbon footprint, create ESG reports, and at the same time provide valuable data for business decision-making.

Zubatého 295/5 Smíchov, 150 00 Praha

Logmanager is a log management platform enhanced with SIEM capabilities that radically simplifies response to cyberthreats, legal compliance, and operational troubleshooting.

Černyševského 48, 851 01 Bratislava

Inalogy is a professional service company that focuses on delivering sustainable IAM solutions. Thanks to the market-leading open-source components enriched by our integration, we can provide outstanding added value in the identity and access management field. It is a full-power identity and access management system with governance and administration features and a network security solution. We are professionals that turn every project into a success story