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CEDEG is an European ecosystem joining dynamic and progressive entities in the fields of digitalisation and advanced environmental technologies.

CEDEG promotes the concept of society 5.0 and creates meaningful synergistic and socially beneficial projects boosting the digital and green transformation and smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

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The Czech - Slovak Technology Summit 2024 is over! The event hosted 302 participants. The next edition will occur in Mikulov, the Czech Republic, on July 4th and 5th, 2025.





NANOPROGRESS - Rozvoj inovačního klastru zaměřený na udržení excellence a kontinuity členské základny a posílení národních i mezinárodních vazeb se strategickými partnery





EUROMEMBRANE 2024 – The International Conference - September 8 - 12 2024


The CEDEG brings together

29 / x
members / members groups
57 / 639
cluster organizations / companies
79 / 98
research organizations / other members
1,1 mio
employees in member organizations (approx.)
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What We Offer To Our Members

Lobbying and promotion
Business opportunities and prestigious projects
Events and representation
Tailor-made services

Why to became a member of CEDEG?


  • Access to unique business and innovation opportunities within the key European countries and regions and on a global level
  • Engagement in the prestigious domestic and international projects
  • Exploring the human capital by leveraging a vast network of prestigious associated stakeholders
  • Harnessing the potential of a dynamic and fast-growing European ecosystem

What We Have Done

Actuality and News

Veletrh it-sa 2024 - společná expozice MPO ČR!


CEDEG se aktivně zúčastní veletrhu kybernetické bezpečnosti it-sa, který se koná 22. - 24. října 2024 na výstavišti v Norimberku a Vy můžete také ...

Promo video from the 3rd annual of C-STS 2024 and call for partners for 2025


✨ Call for partners at C-STS 2025 ✨

We are thrilled to announce that Czech Slovak Technology Summit 2024 was amazing. We sincerely thank all our partners and speakers for their active participation, insightful discussions, and inspiring presentations.

We open the opportunity to partnerships for the upcoming annual of this conference. If you are interested in becoming a partner of the Czech - Slovak Technology Summit 2025, please let us know. The next annual will occur on July 4th and 5th, 2025.

You can reach out to us at: or

We look forward to welcoming you!

P.S.: Look at the promo video from the C-STS 2024.

Member company of CEDEG Daitable is in Top 10 EIT Manufacturing Startup in Europe!


We are proud to announce that our member company has been selected as one of the TOP 10 EIT Manufacturing startups in Europe, and the only one representing Slovakia!

Top IndustrialTech startups from across Europe showcased their innovations. Daitable pitched their startup to an audience of around 300 people, generating significant interest and connecting with numerous potential partners.

Exciting News: Member of CEDEG REDAMP SECURITY is competing in the 17th Vodafone Idea of the Year „Nápad roku“


We are thrilled to announce that our member company is competing in the 17th Vodafone Nápad roku (Vodafone Idea of the Year) competition. Out of 137 projects, they have made it to the semi-finals, placing in the TOP 30!

Even more exciting, they have advanced to the finals, securing a spot in the TOP 11 projects.

The grand final will take place in autumn and they are currently preparing for it.


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Již 3. ročník Czech - Slovak Technology Summit 2024 proběhl ...


Ročník 2024 Czech-Slovak Technology summitu na zámku v Mikulově je úspěšně za námi.

3. ročník Czech - Slovak Technology Summit 12. - 13. června 2024


Czech - Slovak Technology Summit 2024 je tady! Již 12. června se znovu sejdeme na zámku v Mikulově!